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发布时间:2024-10-14 02:26:15 分类:行业要闻 点击量:703
本文摘要:Nearly a decade ago, computer security experts found a new kind of malicious software that would eventually infect more than 1 million computers in the United States and Europe and cause tens of millions of dollars in damages.近10年前,电脑安全性专家找到了一种新型恶意软件,可使美国和欧洲的100多万台电脑受到感染,导致的损失低约数千万美元。

Nearly a decade ago, computer security experts found a new kind of malicious software that would eventually infect more than 1 million computers in the United States and Europe and cause tens of millions of dollars in damages.近10年前,电脑安全性专家找到了一种新型恶意软件,可使美国和欧洲的100多万台电脑受到感染,导致的损失低约数千万美元。On Monday, a U.S. federal court sentenced Russian national Nikita Kuzmin on charges of conspiracy, bank fraud and computer intrusion for creating the software, named Gozi, and selling it to hackers who used it to steal money from bank accounts.星期一,美国一家联邦法院对俄罗斯公民库兹敏展开宣判,他的罪名还包括阴谋,银行欺诈、建构Gozi软件侵略电脑并把这种软件卖给黑客,使他们以求窃取银行账户中的存款。Prosecutors said Kuzmin committed this crime purely out of greed and helped pioneer a new kind of cybercrime that has become more prevalent in recent years.检察官说道,库兹敏犯罪几乎是出于自私,并促使了一种新型网络犯罪,而这种犯罪近年来显得更为横行。

Prosecutors said security experts identified 10,000 account records from more than 5,200 people, which included login information for accounts with hundreds of companies. The infected computers included hundreds at the U.S. space agency NASA.检察人员说道,电脑安全性专家证实,5200多人的一万个账户被侵略,牵涉到数百家公司账户的指定信息。被病毒感染的电脑里也还包括美国航空航天局的数百台电脑。

Kuzmin said he did not partake in stealing bank account information himself. He made money by renting use of Gozi to others and by collecting a portion of whatever they later stole with it. According to court documents, Kuzmin estimated he made at least $250,000.库兹敏说道,他没参予窃取银行账户信息,而是靠租赁Gozi软件,然后从赃款中提成。法庭文件表明,估算库兹敏通过这种方式利润最少25万美元。

The court said Kuzmins punishment is the 37 months he has already spent in prison, as well as paying $6.9 million that authorities have identified as the losses incurred by two banks in the U.S. and one in Europe.法庭宣告,库兹敏被拘禁的37个月就是他的刑期,他还被罚款690万美元,相等于两家美国银行和一家欧洲银行受到的损失。



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