PepsiCo. (PEP) has entered the make-it-yourself soda space with the announcement of Spire, a new machine that can stir up over 1,000 flavor combinations of carbonated beverages at locations such as restaurants and movie theaters.百事可乐公司(PepsiCo.)宣告发售一款新型设备Spire,从而转入了制做碳酸水领域。这种设备可以混合多达1,000种口味的碳酸饮料,主要用作餐厅和电影院。
The self-service equipment was unveiled at a National Restaurant Association Show and there are already around 50 locations in the U.S. where customers can try out Spire, according to the companys website.百事可乐公司在美国餐厅协会展览(National Restaurant Association Show)上发售了这款自助设备。据这家公司的网站表明,消费者可以在美国的50个地方尝试用于Spire。
The machine, which is sleek and resembles an Apple (AAPL) product more than anything else, situates itself as a direct competitor to Coca-Colas (KO) Freestyle.这台设备造型时尚,看起来看起来苹果公司(Apple)的产品。百事公司把它当成可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)Freestyle饼干售卖机的必要竞争对手。The first digital fountain that lets you personalize your favorite Pepsi brands, Spire aims to let customers explore new taste territories from a sleek, digital touch screen, Pepsi said.百事公司回应,Spire是第一款可以个性化制作百事品牌饮料的数字冷饮售卖机,期望它能让消费者“通过造型典雅的数字触碰屏幕,探寻新的口味。
”Soda fountains in pharmacies and apothecaries, where this all started, were points of engagement where an amazing amount of creativity and innovation took place at the hands of the soda jerk. But somewhere along the line, what was an experience has turned into a transaction, and thats got to change, said Brad Jakeman, president of PepsiCos global beverages group, toThe New York Times.百事可乐公司全球饮料集团总裁布拉德o杰克曼告诉他《纽约时报》(New York Times):“冷饮柜台最初源于药店,在冷饮售货员的手中不会飞舞出有各种令人吃惊的创新和花样。但在过程中,这种用户体验却变为了交易,现在我们将转变这种状况。”Earlier in April, news that PepsiCo was in talks to buy stakes of SodaStream emerged, illustrating another way the beverage and food company has sought to expand its portfolio as sales for the soda industry continue to dip.四月初有报导称之为,百事可乐公司正在谈判出售苏打水机制造商SodaStream的股份,这更进一步指出,随着苏打水行业的销量持续下降,百事可乐公司正在谋求减少产品组合。
Earlier in the year, news broke that PepsiCo partnered with Bevyz, a European company that sells beverage systems for the home.今年年初,有消息称之为百事可乐公司与出售家用饮料系统的欧洲公司Bevyz达成协议了合作关系。
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