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发布时间:2024-10-19 14:13:02 分类:行业要闻 点击量:455
本文摘要:Just days after the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of man landing on the moon, Indias space agency successfully launched its first lunar lander bound for the moon.就在全世界庆典人类登月50周年的几天后,印度航天局顺利向月球升空了第一个月球着陆器。

Just days after the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of man landing on the moon, Indias space agency successfully launched its first lunar lander bound for the moon.就在全世界庆典人类登月50周年的几天后,印度航天局顺利向月球升空了第一个月球着陆器。The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) achieved a successful liftoff and injection into Earths orbit of its Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft early this morning.印度空间研究的组织(ISRO)的月船2号今天一大早顺利升空并转入地球轨道。

The Chandrayaan-2 now begins its six-week journey to the moon. Once in the moons orbit, the Chandrayaan-2 will attempt to land on the moons surface in September.现在月船2号开始了飞向月球的为期6周的行程。九月份一转入月球轨道就不会尝试在月球表面降落。If that landing is successful, India will become only the fourth nation to ever land an intact vehicle on the moon.如能顺利降落,印度将不会沦为史上第四个月球车原始降落月球的国家。

Previous nations that have done so include the U.S., Russia, and China.此前登月的国家有美国、俄罗斯和中国。In 2008 India sent the Chandrayaan-1 to the moon, where it achieved successful orbit and then launched a probe into the moons surface.2008年印度向月球升空了月船1号,顺利绕行轨道运营,之后向月球表面升空了一个探测器。From a scientific standpoint, the Chandrayaan-1 mission was a huge success.从科学角度来看,月船1号圆满完成任务。The probe it launched into the lunar surface found evidence of water ice on the moons south pole.向月球表面升空的探测器在月球南极找到了水冰的证据。

The goal of the Chandrayaan-2 is to land a lunar rover on the moons surface and keep it operating there for 14 days—which is equal to one lunar day.月船2号的目标是要让一辆月球车在月球表面降落,在那里运营14天,相等于月球上的一天。During that time, the Chandrayaan-2 lander will search the moons south pole to see just how much water ice could be contained there.在此期间,月船2号着陆器将搜寻月球南极,想到那里有多少水冰。If the amount found is significant, it could go a long way toward helping further lunar expeditions or even setting up a moon colony.如果找到的数量相当大,有可能对更进一步的月球探险,甚至创建月球殖民地,都会有相当大协助。

The ice could be mined and turned into drinking water for human inhabitants or even converted to fuel for spacecraft.可以研发这些水冰,转化成合适人类居民的饮用水,甚至还可以转化成航天器燃料。



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